I often hear the question posed wrongly, “Aren’t all religions fundamentally the same and superficially different?” No. They are fundamentally different and at best they are superficially similar.
–Ravi Zacharias- The author, Robert Sievers, is available for speaking engagements. If interested, please use the contact form to inquire.
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Tag Archives: heaven
Who is Going Where?
In any religion, one of the fundamental issues is that of destiny. By this I mean what happens after we die? Do we go to be with God? If so, under what circumstances are we granted entrance into heaven? In … Continue reading
Where are you going?
In today’s world, it is much easier than in years past to navigate your way to an unknown address. The advent of GPS devices and Google maps has changed how we find our way around. Back in the day, receiving … Continue reading
Activities in Heaven
One of the most fascinating Christian apologists of the Medieval time period was Pierre Maurice de Montboissier, better known as Peter the Venerable. One of many observations he made about Christianity and Islam has to do with the ultimate destinations … Continue reading