Like their god, the accuser, the corrupters accuse the virtuous of corruption, the murderers accuse the innocent of murder, the haters accuse the righteous of hate, the warmongers accuse the peaceful of war, the lovers of death accuse those who love life with cowardice…Everything is turned upside down.
-Walid Shoebat- The author, Robert Sievers, is available for speaking engagements. If interested, please use the contact form to inquire.
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Tag Archives: book_reviews
The Unseen Face of Islam
There are many people who study Islam. Some, like myself, focus on theological differences. However, one of the things I have learned is that the use of apologetic tools to prove the rationality of Jesus’ claims is hardly ever effective. … Continue reading
A Christian Guide to the Qur’an
In the world we live in, it can be difficult to find information that you can trust. It’s hard to know who to believe, and even many authors have their own agendas. With that in mind, I wanted to offer … Continue reading
Mideast Beast
Like many Christians, I have a personal interest is Biblical prophecy. I have avoided publishing a lot of articles relating to end-times events, because that isn’t what this blog is about. It’s about Islam. Nevertheless, a few prophecy articles may … Continue reading