There are many Christian authors who write to help Christians understand Islam and consequently their Muslim neighbors. However, “Unraveling Islam” is unique in that it recognizes and identifies a very specific pattern of theological and spiritual reversal. These profound and unique spiritual reversals can be used in discussions with Muslims to point back to Christ in surprising ways. By expounding on example after example, Christians are able to become exceptionally and extraordinarily equipped to dialogue with Muslims in a constructive manner.
Surprisingly, meditating on these differences shows us amazing and unexpected things about God. In a strange sense, while being equipped to better understand Islamic thought and theology, it is my sincere hope that these articles will display a certain devotional aspect as well.
The skeptic may ask why this blog focuses on the differences between Islamic and Christian doctrine rather than on the similarities. Shouldn’t we be stressing commonalities rather than areas of disagreement? Many people seek to build bridges between Muslims and Christians, and I applaud those efforts. Such bridges between Christians and Muslims are necessary. However, it is inherently evident that a bridge cannot be built until a firm understanding exists of what two locations are to be connected. A bridge cannot be built between point A and point B until the two ends to be joined together are clearly established. It is in this spirit that “Unraveling Islam” is written.
Let me offer a special welcome to Muslim readers. We can agree it is our goal in life to seek out God with all our hearts, all our minds, and all our souls. I have endeavored to present information about Islam with as much factual accuracy as humanly possible. Please enjoy the articles and join me by praying that God will reveal Himself to each of us more fully.
One final note about comments. No inappropriate comments will be tolerated. Please do not engage in name calling or ad hominem arguments. Be respectful, thoughtful, and considerate to other posters. This admonition goes doubly for those who claim to be Christians. As ambassadors for Christ, we are called to emulate Him to the best of our abilities. That doesn’t mean we can’t share truth, but “Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.” -Colossians 4:6