The Worship of Muhammad, Part Two

In the previous article, it was noted that the fundamental Islamic creed requires belief in Muhammad. Becoming a Muslim requires an explicit statement to show confidence in Muhammad as a prophet. Additionally, it was shown how the Qur’an mandates obedience not just to Allah, but to Muhammad as well.

In this article, the Qur’an itself will be examined in more detail. As will be shown shortly, the Qur’an undermines its own position by lumping Allah and Muhammad into the same category on a variety of occasions. Muhammad and Allah are mentioned together in some rather awkward occurrences which convey theological meaning. Let’s examine a few of these. Those presented here are but a brief snapshot. The Qur’an implies equality between Muhammad and Allah on a number of points, and we must not ignore them. While many of these passages do not necessarily conclude by themselves that Muhammad is deified, the set as a whole paints a very clear picture of the role that Muhammad plays within Islam.

For example, swearing allegiance to Muhammad is the same as doing so to Allah.

Qur’an 048.010
Verily those who plight their fealty to thee do no less than plight their fealty to Allah:

As another example, obedience to Muhammad and to Allah are considered one in the same.

Qur’an 004.080
He who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah.

In this following verse, notice that a Muslim’s love for not just Allah, but Muhammad as well must surpass even that of his or her own family.

Qur’an 009.024
Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the commerce in which ye fear a decline: or the dwellings in which ye delight – are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving in His cause;- then wait until Allah brings about His decision: and Allah guides not the rebellious.

To recap, the Qur’an states that a pledge to Muhammad is the equivalent of a pledge to Allah, commands the same level of obedience to Muhammad as to Allah, and requires love for both Muhammad and Allah to surpass that of anything else in your life, including family and spouse. If that isn’t worship, what is?

The skeptical reader may object that while these arguments are somewhat damning, today’s Muslims don’t truly believe Muhammad is a god. It is true no Muslim thinks they treat Muhammad as a god. Yet Muslims unwittingly deify Muhammad with their own words. For example, Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, describes Muhammad this way:

“Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) practiced what he preached. He very carefully and meticulously followed the Qur’an, Allah’s Word that was revealed to him. He followed and lived the Qur’an at every moment in every detail of his life. His life was the reflection of Allah’s Words. He became the Qur’an in person, the embodiment of the Qur’an, or one may even say in a metaphorical sense ‘the Word in flesh’” [i]

The term “the Word in flesh” should instantly call Scripture to mind. The true Word in flesh is described in John 1:14:

14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

The Muslims who criticize Christians for believing Jesus is the Word made flesh believe that Muhammad is the “Word in flesh”. How ironic it is that the Islamic religion, one so depending upon a man, lambastes Christianity for worshipping a man. Of course since Jesus is also God, Christians are not polytheistic, since we worship God only. Yet the tables have been oddly turned, in that Christians are being falsely accused of the very thing Muslims do. Muslims decry polytheism as heresy, and yet simultaneously elevate Muhammad, a mere man, to a status where he receives many of the special privileges otherwise due only to God.

Once again we see that Islam has taken Christianity and flipped it upside down, inside out, and irrevocably twisted it out of recognition. God became man in order to deliver us, and as such, we worship God alone. Yet another inversion has occurred. The same people who mistakenly accuse Christians of worshiping a man are locked into a system where they do not realize nor admit that they do exactly what they prohibit. The inversions just keep coming.

In Part three and four of this series, the Hadith will be considered. The deification of Muhammad will be seen in its most clear and blatant forms.


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